Friday 13 February 2015

I have chosen as the website to design my digital publishing project around, as their website is simple and aesthetically pleasing. With minimal text and images it keeps consistent with their overall style and persona. They use a black and white colour scheme with easy to read fonts, making it quick and easy for the viewer to see where they need to go and understand what is written. By using this colour scheme it draws more attention to the image in the centre of the screen which subconsciously will attract more views.

Below are 3 screenshots of their current landing page, each screenshot shows a different image that is within the GIF of campaigns that they have at the minute. By using a fast paced GIF it intrigues the viewer to find out more and maybe even shop the collection.

To the left hand side of the screen, you have the navigation bar for the website. Unlike most fashion websites, there are no drop down menus when you scroll over the options as you have to physically click the link for options to appear. Personally, I think this works well as drop down menus can be quite tedious and annoying sometimes, so having static options it becomes ease to choose which part of the site you wish to be taken to next.
If the page is scrolled down, there are links to the Zara social networks on their 'Find us on' section of the landing page. Although this is consistent with the style of their website, I feel like it doesn't draw enough attention as it could if it was designed slightly differently. I will look into various ways to improve this within my own project proposal maybe by using icons, a larger font, or incorporate some new colours into the scheme.

The same could also be done with the 'Free Shipping' offer located on the left hand side of the screen, as it isn't easily seen and could be overlooked by a customer who isn't paying a great deal of attention. By attracting the viewers attention they could be gaining increased sales and orders.

Overall, I think the website is professional and chic - really reflecting their style of clothing and accessories. I wish to carry on using the same shell of the website within my own project, with a few minor changes to improve it and then including my own content.

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